PRODIG - Pôle de Recherche pour l'Organisation et la Diffusion de l'Information Géographique

Living in the Margins in Mainland China, Hong Kong and India

Edited by Wing Chung HO and Florence PADOVANI

Since the financial crisis in the late 2000s, the world seems to have entered an epoch of anxiety featuring populism with varying degrees of protectionism and nationalism. What is the nature of this populist mood as a backlash against globalisation ? How do people feel about it and act upon it ? Why should specific intellectual attention be paid to the increasingly marginalised by the recent macroscopic structural changes ? These are the questions addressed by the contributors this book, illustrated with specific cases from mainland China, Hong Kong and India, all of which have undergone substantial populist or nationalist movements since 2010.


Performances économiques de l’agriculture familiale, patronale et d’entreprise

Samir EL OUAAMARI, Pascal TILLIE, Fatouma-Lucie SANOU, Viviane TRÈVES, Constantin GIRARD, Sergio GOMEZ-Y-PALOMA, Hubert COCHET

Conflits et violences dans le bassin du lac Tchad

Actes du XVIIe colloque Méga-Tchad

Systèmes agraires et changement climatique au Sud

Hubert COCHET, Olivier DUCOURTIEUX, Nadège GARAMBOIS, coord.